KSSWA has expanded to 4 Regions! Before you join us, you'll need to know your region - Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, or Southeast. Click on this file to make sure you know the region you practice in: KSSWA Region Map
Northwest Regional Rep: Karen Sullivan
Northeast Regional Rep: Annie Lindgren
Southwest Regional Rep: Lindsey Sill
Southeast Regional Rep: Caitlin Dailey, Brenna Forbes
Top ten reasons for Joining KSSWA:
10. KSSWA Facebook page (under Kansas School Social Work Association) and website with links to local and national information about school social work: http://www.ksswa.org
9. State representation at KSSWA board meetings.
8. Networking with other School Social Workers throughout the state.
7. Annual conferences specifically for school social workers through the Midwest School Social Work Council.
6. Emails on a regular basis full of resources, information, and tidbits for practice.
5. Representation in Midwest School Social Work Council & SSWAA. Influence at the highest levels through lobbyists.
4. Legislative advocacy and monitoring through our legislative chair-person and committee.
3. Opportunities to be in leadership roles in school social work and a voice in KSSWA through your regional representatives.
2. Opportunities for Continuing Education Credits.
And the #1 reason to join KSSWA is that it is the only School Social Work organization representing the needs of Kansas School Social Workers.
Please join us at the most appropriate level for you. At the end, you will have the option to pay on-line or print out an invoice to mail in. If you have questions please contact Gerri Blaisdell at gerri.blaisdell@gmail.com, KSSWA Membership Chair.